Funeral And Burial Services

From it (the earth) did We create you, and in to it shall We return you,
and from it shall We bring you out once again.
(Surah Ta Ha -55)
- Features of Muslim Garden
- Guidelines for Islamic Funeral
- What Should Family Members do In time of Need
- Rules and Regulations
- Transporting the Deceased
- Burial Price Package
- Directions
Features of Muslim Garden
Alhamdo lillah, Birmingham and the surrounding areas are blessed with a cemetery that meets the Islamic requirements. The Islamic cemetery, called Muslim Garden, is contained within the Oakland Cemetery in Ensley, which is located at 1230 Warrior Road, Ensley, AL 35218.
The entire 500 plot area, owned by BIS is fenced and bushes are planted on periphery to create a natural separation from the rest of cemetery. The design and the layout of the graves take in to consideration the direction of Kaba. Burial will be without a casket and all other Islamic requirements will be met.
Cemetery Features:
- Burial arrangements are made 365 days of the year without any considerations for holidays.
- Burial will not be arranged after sunset.
- The head stone design is standard for all the graves and has been approved by the Board of the Birmingham Islamic Society.
- No equipment of any kind will be allowed to run over the graves (it is for this reason that there is no reservation of graves; graves will be prepared in rows to prevent any machinery from going over one grave to dig another).
- The configuration of graves with each walking path prevents walking on graves.
Guidelines for Islamic Funeral
- Each lot is purchased from BIS and BIS is to be paid for the lot (see Burial Cost Package section).
- Funeral services are provided by the funeral home designated by BIS and a separate payment is made to the funeral home (see Burial Cost Package section) The current designated funeral home is:
Roberts Funeral Home
1337 Bessemer Road
Birmingham, AL 35208 - Payment in full is required for all services, including interment rights, at the time services are rendered. Burial service will not be processed unless paid for in advance.
- Please talk to the BIS office if financial assistance is needed.
- If the information is received by 9:00 am, it is possible to arrange the burial the same day Insha Allah.
- The schedule for a typical funeral as follows:
Ghusul at 10:00 am in the Funeral Home
Salat ul Janazah after Dhur at the Hoover Crescent Islamic Center
Burial after the prayer between 2 pm to 3 pm
What Family Members Should Do In Time of Need
- Please call the BIS office (205-879-4247) and insha Allah BIS will make all arrangements.
- Please call Roberts Funeral Home (205-925-5115) for the pick up of the body. Be sure to mention that this is a Muslim funeral. (If the brother/sister has died at any place other than the hospital, the police and county coroner may need to become involved.)
- Please let BIS know if help is needed to prevent the deceased from post mortem procedure.
- Please let BIS know if family members are available for helping with the washing. If washing is to be completely performed by family members, BIS will not interfere. If BIS is requested to perform the washing, we will do the best to follow the Islamic requirements and the family member will have to trust BIS understanding of the same.
Rules and Regulations
The reason we have a Muslim Cemetery is to ensure that all Islamic requirements are met. It is for that reason that the Birmingham Islamic Society has consulted scholars and has come up with following rules and regulations to ensure that we do not deviate from the true path of Allah (SWT). If any one has authentic reference that refutes any of the rules or wants to add other rule should contact the BIS Board and insha Allah we will engage in a dialogue and consult scholars to revise these rules, if warranted.
Shariah Requirements:
- Sitting, walking or stepping on the grave is prohibited
- Bringing flowers and or placing them on the grave are prohibited
- Growing plants on or around the grave is prohibited
- Bringing any piece of decoration and placing them on or around the grave is prohibited
- Crying loudly as an expression of grief is prohibited
- Bringing food to the grave is prohibited
- Reading Quran for the dead at the grave is prohibited (after burial)
- Body can be carried to the grave by men only
- Loud noises at funeral are discouraged
- Killing/Slaughtering animals at the grave is prohibited
- Lights and/or candles at the grave are prohibited
- Touching the grave as an action to get blessed is prohibited
- Mayat will be placed in the grave flat with the head tilted towards the Qibla by the use of dirt and rocks
- Women are discouraged but allowed to be at the Cemetery during burial
Following acts are encouraged and/or are acceptable during the burial process:
- It is the Sunnah to take three hands full of dirt and drop them in the grave after the body is placed in the grave.
- The ayah from surat Taha should be recited while throwing the dirt.
- Silent prayer offering for the deceased.
- Some school of thoughts accepts the audible recitation of Quran immediately after the burial.
The BIS Board reserves the right to add, subtract and interpret the above rules and regulations to the best of their ability for the pleasure of Allah alone.
Safety Requirements:
We encourage all the brothers to participate in the carrying and accompanying the Mayet from the Masjid to the Cemetery. Only those who are asked to volunteer are allowed to pick up the Mayet from the casket and place on the burial tray for lowering in to the grave. Others will keep at a safe distance. Only selected volunteers will be allowed in the grave to get the body situated according to shariah requirements.
Transporting Deceased
Shariah does not permit the shipping of the deceased unless there are strong Islamic reasons to do so. Not having an Islamic alternative for a funeral may be considered as a reason for shipping the deceased. BIS STRONGLY RECOMMENDS AGAINST THE PRACTICE OF TRANSPORTING THE DECEASED TO ANY DISTANCE, ESPECIALLY OVERSEAS.
Shipping to overseas countries may also require embalming, which is also forbidden in Islam. Embalming is a process which includes the external washing of the body followed by an internal replacement of the body fluids within the body’s circulatory system of arteries, veins and capillaries, with preservatives/disinfectant chemicals. Muslims must keep in their mind when faced with the decision to ship body or not.
If family insists, BIS will provide all help that is needed in the gusul and preparation of deceased. Family must work with the funeral home on all the details of the shipping and embalming.
Burial Cost Package
Click the chart below to download and print.